
Something smells fishy in here

Of course that must mean the new Trident Realm miniatures are here!  Two new hard plastic kits - Riverguard (replacing the old metal miniatures) and Dambusters (in addition to the one resin kit already available for the Dambuster Sentinel).  Plus some interesting Dambuster upgrades, and some resin kits as well. Today I'll show what everyone is most interested in - the new plastic kits. While both of these new kits are available separately, the best deal (if you ask me) is the Ambush box. The ambush contains enough sprues to make 20 riverguard (and with the new 2024 version of the list, they can be upgraded to give them a shooting attack), and three Dambusters (which can be either Riverguard Dambusters  (these are the fighting version that was in the list before) , or Treeleaper Dambusters (with a shooting attack).  (The names are backward to me, because when on foot, the Treeleapers are the fighty version (see the Unit Profiles sheet below).  In the 2024 list the 'treeleaper